I am so looking forward to these gigs that I have been planning for over a year now. Getting good musicians and venues diaries to match up simply takes more effort than you could imagine.
We have the finest of Copenhagen musicians: Mikkel Find (drums), Marko Martinovic (Piano) and Simon Thorsen (Tenor Sax). I will be on Bass, and the goal of the whole project is to get the amazingly talented and versatile Bert Boeren, from the Netherlands, to come and play trombone for us.
The gigs are:
10th April – 21:00 Paradise Jazz – Huset
11th April – 22:30 Christianias Jazzklub – Børneteateret
12th April – 21:00 BlÃ¥gaards Apotek – BlÃ¥gaards Plads
13th April – 15:00 Sofie’s Jazzklub – Sofiekælderen
Please be there!!!